===================== Debiancn ===================== Address ======= * https://mirrors.sosconf.org/debiancn/ Introduction ============ Images of unofficial, third-party community `repositories`_ maintained by the Debiancn community (https://www.debiancn.org). Provides supplementary software such as WPS Office, NetEase Cloud Music, ``python-jieba``, ``bcloud``, ``wine-staging`` and other convenient for users in China. .. _repositories: https://repo.debiancn.org/ Architecture ============ * ``x86_64`` mainly, very little software is provided ``x86`` and ``armhf`` architecture. Version ======== * jessie(little) * stretch(limited) * buster Debian Unstable users share the buster repository with Debian Testing (currently Buster) users. Instructions for Use ==================== .. tip:: please refer to: `Upstream Usage Instructions`_ and replace all strings ``repo.debiancn.org`` with ``mirrors.sosconf.org``. .. _Upstream Usage Instructions: https://github.com/debiancn/repo Links ======== :Community: https://www.debiancn.org/ :Doc with Git Repo: https://github.com/debiancn/repo :Other Mirrors: https://github.com/debiancn/repo/issues/60 :Rsync: rsync://repo.debiancn.org/debiancn